managed cyber security services
Data Security

A complete guide to managed cyber security services

The cyber-world is changing faster than ever, and it leaves organizations, individuals, and small businesses vulnerable to cybercrimes. They need to adopt a comprehensive cyber security plan to protect themselves against risks and threats. Implementing and testing controls, regularly maintaining and monitoring the security management programs using reliable and trustworthy managed cyber security services can help mitigate risks and potential cyber-attacks.

Has your business ever dealt with malware, virus infection, or cyberattacks? Cyber attacks’ damage to companies ranges from unauthorized access through a relatively simple attack to a large-scale breach of critical data that can result in prolonged downtime. It damages your company’s reputation and the confidence of your investors and customers. Do not let a cyber incident destroy your organization. Managed services from a cyber security company can help you optimize your organization’s security posture.

This article will discuss managed cyber security services, why it is essential for organizations, and how an excellent cyber security company benefits you. So, let’s get started.

What are managed cyber security services?

Third-party providers give managed cyber security services to administer an organization’s security processes. These services implement, monitor, maintain, and enhance an enterprise’s cyber security posture. Managed cyber security service providers (MSSP) provide security services ranging from setting up infrastructure via security management or incident response. Some services providers specialize in specific areas, while others give complete outsourcing of an organization’s information security program.

As security threats and cyber incidents are becoming increasingly common, many businesses are partnering with managed cyber security service providers in addition to their existing cyber security programs. They provide expert monitoring and management, protecting data and hardware from potential cyber-attacks. MSSP manages and implements security programs for organizations. These include

  • Managed firewalls
  • Intrusion detection
  • Blocking viruses and spam
  • Implementing upgrades or system changes
  • Setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Security and compliance audits
  • Security assessment and reporting
  • System monitoring
  • Penetration testing
  • Security analytics

Moreover, a good cyber security company helps you monitor the security devices and systems in a workspace. Most MSSPs provide a wide range of services, such as

  • Log monitoring and management
  • Device management
  • Vulnerability management
  • Consultancy services

Managed cyber security service providers generally offer a whole suite of managed IT services. They typically provide cyber security to help organizations with their basic security needs.

Why are managed cyber security services necessary?

Organizations need to consider the importance of managed security services to protect themselves from cyber-attacks. MSSPs can be a valuable resource for companies that want to maximize their security but do not have the resources to manage an in-house cyber security team. These services provide strategies and designs to give a robust security posture. 

MSSPs shield organizations against cyber threats and strengthen their cyber defense. They use a multilayered defense strategy to protect your organization from different angles. It means they do not only safeguard you from external threats, such as network intrusions or malware, but also security from the security breaches caused by employees accidentally or deliberately. 

Opting for managed cyber security services provide

  • Information security assessment_ Examine the maturity of your company’s information security programs, identify their weaknesses and gaps, and provide opportunities for improvement. Choose a good cyber security company and identify the risks to your business.
  • Data governance_ These services help you handle a large volume of data and enhance your cyber security posture through efficient data management.
  • Advanced security solutions_ These include anti-malware software, managed firewalls, web filtering, intrusion detection, multi-factor authentication, access management, and patch management.
  • Dedicated security analysts_ MSSPs provide specialists who detect critical flaws in your IT infrastructure and recommend security measures to mitigate the risk of a security breach.
  • Security information and event management (SIEM)_ tracks security-related incidents in your IT environment, such as suspicious downloads or failed logins. It then examines the incident and creates comprehensive security reports.
  • Incident investigation and response_ If a security breach occurs, security experts immediately remediate the threat, assess the damage, and find the attack’s origin.
  • Threat hunting_ Security experts proactively identify and isolate evasive threats for existing security solutions.
  • Risk and compliance_ They align your GRC operations to business performance drivers using frameworks such as PCI/DSS, GDPR, NIST, NYDFS, ISO, and others with IT security service programs. 
  • Penetration testing and phishing_ Effective security come with a clear understanding of your IT infrastructure’s critical flaws and vulnerabilities. Phishing assessment and penetration testing protect your organization against security threats.
  • Security awareness training_ Educate your organization’s employees about your security posture’s strengths and weaknesses, and empower them against hackers. Good managed cyber security service providers ensure your employees stay ahead of cybercriminals.

Why is it important to choose an excellent cyber security company?

There is a wide range of managed cyber security service providers today. It is essential to identify your organization’s security needs and engage a good cyber security company to address them. Before opting for cyber security services, security and IT teams need to plan carefully around which operations need to be outsourced. Once you have mapped out your requirements, it is necessary to research the best service providers and shortlist a few of them. Meet them and check customer feedback before hiring them. Because a good cyber security company is one that 

  • Optimize controls
  • Improve governance 
  • Reduce the TCO of the risk
  • Optimize security posture
  • Strengthen security processes
  • Reduce legal risks
  • Increase profitability
  • Provides scalability

Why choose Protected Harbor for managed cyber security services?

Protected Harbor provides managed cyber security services and cyber resilience regardless of the size of your organization. Our cyber security services provide organizations with the most effective tools, solutions, services, processes, policies, and practices to protect their intellectual properties, security posture, and financial assets. We provide cyber security assessments that help you understand your security posture, detect vulnerabilities in them, and set the baseline for improvement. 

Moreover, our managed services include multi-factor authentication, endpoint protection, next-generation firewall, device encryption, and email security. We provide a robust solution to defend against cyber-attacks and let you drastically reduce implementation efforts, cost, and maintenance requirements. With our team of highly skilled experts, we allow our clients to build cyber resilience, innovate safely, and grow with confidence. Contact us today for an IT audit.

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